What is phonophoresis?
Phonophoresis is a cosmetic procedure in which vitamins and drugs are introduced by ultrasound in the deeper layers of skin.
Mechanical energy passing through the tissue becomes heat that accelerates a biochemical reaction that accelerates the oxidation-reduction processes. Simultaneously, lymphatic drainage, which ultimately leads to a reduction of edema and increase absorption of drugs.
How phonophoresis works?
It allow you to activate cell metabolism, improve circulation, stimulate regeneration. Also phonophoresis with hydrocortisone can exert anti-inflammatory effects, reduces swelling in various skin diseases. Phonophoresis enhances the therapeutic effect of drugs used in cosmetology.
What are the indications of phonophoresis?
Ageing Skin.
Seborrheic skin.
Open pores.
Dull skin.
Uneven skin colour.
Skin glow.
Skin tightening.
Complexion improvement.
What are the contraindications of phonophoresis?
Active infection.
Hyper sensitive skin.
Unrealistic expectation.
Keloidal tendency.
What are the advantages of this procedure?
Safe and effective.
Office procedure.
No pre and after care require.
What are the disadvantages of this procedure?
Repeated sittings require.
Result is not permanent.
How much time required to do the procedure?
15 to 20 minutes.
How much gap require between two procedures?
Once in 15 days.
How many sittings required?
8 to 12 sittings.
Do I require maintenance procedure?
Yes, to maintain optimum result.
Is it painful?,
No, not at all.
Is the result permanent?
No, result is not permanent.
Which are the typical areas treated?
Mainly face, but can be done on all area of body.
What care require before and after phonophoresis procedure?
No precaution, wear sunscreen regularly and follow instructions given by doctor.
How much will be recovery time?
No down time, you can resume your work right after procedure.
Can this be combined with other procedures?
It Can be combine with following procedures –
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy.
Radio Frequency Skin Tightening (RF).
What are the side effects?
Practically no side effects at all.